Monday, January 25, 2010

Bastards, Morons and Say What?

A:> Assholes: How much more are we going to allow them....

It has been quite the week.... again are president has flip, flopped....
again he is clueless.... It is at a point that something has to change here.....

2 soaring point came out of the State of the Union....

first one, The fact that he wants to redo the Higher education loan systems. How You ask?

Students borrowing money only have to pay 10%, If they cant pay, After 20 years the Government eats the loan. If the student works as a civil servant the loan is eaten by the Government after 10 years.

So our government is teaching our childern that you can get away with being a dead beat. Because our Government has you covered.

Second we as tax payers have to pay those bills off. WTF.... More Debit... Geez

B:> Bullshit artist

First in the headlines were these:
Obama budget: Record spending, record deficit...
Plan Would Raise Tax Rates on Wealthy...
Then this....
Backdoor taxes to hit middle class...

As you can see again they are spin doctors, tax the wealthy, to distract for the actual Tax incentive.

That incentive is keep taxing the middle class, why you ask? Because The middle class is the largest tax roll out there, The wealthy are only 2% and remember that the Congress are the wealthy.
It is all smoke and mirrors..... Less jobs, means higher taxes for those who are blessed to be working.... OUCH

L:> LOL Moment

UPDATE: Cat predicts 50 deaths...

Wondering how many pussy's have actually caused death.. Yep I went there!!!!!!!

The French choose yet-another another battleground for their never ending quarrel with the British: the G spot. —Mon Dieu...

A few weeks ago, a team of scientists from King’s College London joined the ongoing scientific fray by publishing a new study on the much-debated female erogenous zone. It was the biggest to date, involving 1,800 women – all of whom were pairs of identical or non-identical twins. If the G-spot did exist, it said, then genetically identical twins would have been expected to both report having one. However, no such pattern emerged [The Telegraph]. As a result of the study, coauthor Tim Spector said, the study “shows fairly conclusively that the idea of a G-spot is subjective

Think, Maybe the gals just wanna us guys to work a little harder, ROTF

Pee-Wee Herman gets an iPad...
one can only guess, what he will do with it....

W:> Who give a shit!!!!!

Sandra Bullock win an Oscar and Razzie in same year?
And Why IS this News Worth..... Who The "F" cares....

M:> Man O Man

Pentagon’s Black Budget Tops $56 Billion Black projects are known only by their code names like "Chalk Eagle" and "Link Plumeria." — Danger Room

O:> Oddities

Tribe brings back dead with "clothing" ritual The "kutkot" ritual entails dressing up the remains of the dead in clothes so that they take on a human form again. — Reuters

So, If they only have 70's clothing around... Does that mean I come back as I was in the 70's...
Hmmmmmmm.... NAH Let me stay dead... Please

Have you ever noticed anything peculiar about cows when they eat? No? Well, neither did anyone else until some German scientists started looking at satellite photos of cows using the high tech wonder-software known as "Google Earth." It turns out that all cows, everywhere, simultaneously face north (or south) while eating

Great News, Note to self always stand east/west of the cows... Problem solved


So lets start out with the Morons and Dumbassess of the day. Funny How I had to spend 2 hours deciding who gets in here today..... way to many out there. But here are today winner.


White House advisers appearing on the Sunday talk shows gave three different estimates of how many jobs could be credited to President Obama’s Recovery Act.
The discrepancy was pointed out by a Republican official in an email to reporters noting that “Three presidential advisers on three different programs [gave] three different descriptions of the trillion-dollar stimulus bill.”
Valerie Jarrett had the most conservative count, saying “the Recovery Act saved thousands and thousands of jobs,” while David Axelrod gave the bill the most credit, saying it has “created more than – or saved more than 2 million jobs.” Press Secretary Robert Gibbs came in between them, saying the plan had “saved or created 1.5 million jobs.”
Their remarks in context:
Axelrod, on CNN’s State of the Union: “But understand that, in this recession that began at the beginning of 2007, we've lost 7 million jobs. Now, the Recovery Act the president passed has created more than — or saved more than 2 million jobs. But against 7 million, you know, that — that is — it is cold comfort to those who still are looking.”
Jarrett, on NBC’s Meet the Press: “The Recovery Act saved thousands and thousands of jobs. There are schoolteachers and firemen and— and— teachers all across our country, policemen, who have jobs today because of that recovery act. We're investing in infrastructure. We're investing in public education so that our kids can compete going forth into the next— generation.”
Gibbs, on “Fox News Sunday”: “Well, Chris, let's take for instance the example you just used of the stimulus package. We had four quarters of economic regression in terms of growth, right? Just last quarter, we finally saw the first positive economic job growth in more than a year. Largely as a result of the recovery plan that's put money back into our economy, that saved or created 1.5 million jobs.”

And these are the People our President has choosen to bring change... What a joke. Makes you wonder... HUH

Oh, No not a fan, not in anyway.

C:> How to be cool in front of 6 graders .

Obama Uses Teleprompters During Speech at Elementary School...

No really, stop laughing this is real.... and they call him the messiah...... snork, gark, giggle

O:> now for the the odd [besides me]

Colorado Nazi group's adopt-a-highway raises eyebrows...

BRIGHTON, Colo. - It's a small sign igniting a big debate. An official state of Colorado Adopt-a-Highway placard announcing that a one-mile long stretch of US Highway 85 is sponsored not by the Boy Scouts or the Lions Club, but by the Nazi Party of Colorado.Members call themselves the National Socialist Movement. They are inspired by teachings of Hitler, believe interracial relationships and homosexuality should be crimes, and they want to start a separate all-white country.The Adopt-a-Highway program, they say, is a good PR move for them and a recruiting tool."We want to let them know that we're here and we do good things," Unit leader Dean Lane told FOX 31 News. "We're upstanding citizens, try to be good people, and try to portray ourselves that way."When the Nazi's first applied for the stretch of highway just south of Bromley lane in Brighton, the Colorado Department of Transportation called to say thanks, but no thanks.But the law, it turns out, was on the Nazi's side.

What did you want them to adopt... At first when I read this Article, I saw this "the National Socialist Movement". I thought, Washington is now adopting highways, Say what....

Then I relealized it is the other Socialist Party... Whew.. Scared me for a moment. What a Riot...

H:> the HUH moment

Scientist: Search for aliens should start on Earth...
Professor Paul Davies, a physicist at Arizona University will tell a meeting at the Royal Society that the best way of proving that extra-terrestrial life exists elsewhere in the universe is to use evidence from earth.
The meeting at the Royal Society, which will include representatives from Nasa, the European Space Agency and the UN Office for Outer space Affairs marks the 5th anniversary of the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) programme. Lord Rees, President of the Royal Society will also lead one of the sessions.
Prof Davies said: We need to give up the notion that ET is sending us some sort of customised message and take a new approach."
He suggested that the search could focus on deserts, volcanic vents, salt-saturated lakes and the dry valleys of Antarctica - places where ordinary life struggles to survive - to find "weird" microbes that belong to a "shadow biosphere".
Felissa Wolfe-Simon, from the US Geological Survey, is currently looking at the possibility that arsenic, found in contaminated places such as the Mono Lake in California, might support forms of life in the same way as other life forms use phosphorous.
However, Professor Colin Pillinger, who led the Beagle 2 Mars landing mission remains sceptical. He said: "I prefer to deal in scientific fact - this is wildly science fiction. You'd be off your trolley to go searching for arsenic-based life."
Prof Pillinger argues that Mars is the most likely place to find alien life.
The conference will also discuss how humans might respond to the discovery of extra-terrestrial intelligence.
Albert Harrison, the from University of California, said: "It is easy to imagine scenarios resulting in widespread psychological disintegration and social chaos. but historical prototypes, reactions to false alarms and survey results suggest that the predominant response to the discover of a microwave transmission from light years away is likely to be equanimity, perhaps even delight."

Wouldnt it be cheaper to check here to see if life could sprout in these enviroments on earth........

I'm Just saying.

Q:> Quote of the Day

Live everyday like it is your last year on earth, but remember 2012 is on its way, so I figure - We practice like it is our last day. Then on our last year. We tear it up.........

Party like it is 2011.........

Later Vic